Have you ever been inspired by a comic book, video game, or anime character?
Do you want to become the strongest, fittest, most heroic version of yourself that you can be?
Do you want to know what it feels like to build a superhuman body of your own design?
Then you, my friend, have come to the right place.
Hero Academy Fitness is your one stop shop for everything your super aspirations desire.

Hi there, my name is Dan! Certified personal trainer, martial artist, and giant nerd. I grew up wanting to be a real life comic book hero (and video game character, and anime protagonist…you get the idea.) Being inspired by these characters led me to pursuing fitness, martial arts, and nutrition as both a lifestyle and a career, across multiple gyms, blogs, dojos and websites.
Hero Academy Fitness is the culminations of all of those years of learning, training, and competing. I’ve distilled everything I know about getting stronger, faster, healthier, and more “super” into a single membership website; continually updating and growing to better serve YOU! Take a look at a couple of our programs!

Bulletproof. Super strong. Faster than the eye can follow. You know The Invincible One well.
The Invincible One is a classic powerbuilder style program – one designed to built both strength and physique simultaneously. The Invincible One is a twelve week RPE (rating of perceived exertion) based program that will drastically increase your strength, speed, and power, while triggering muscle growth to give yourself that classic, heroic physique.

Near superhuman agility. Breakneck speed. Supreme bodily control. The ability to climb, vault, or wall run any barrier in their way. This is The Urban Ninja.
The Urban Ninja is a full body exercise program designed to turn you into an agile, strong, fast, and supremely capable human being. It’s a workout program designed around maximal results with minimal equipment. The movements in The Urban Ninja program are all bodyweight and calisthenics focused, to help you build a lean, lithe, strong body, capable of doing whatever you tell it to do.

Heroic Nutrition is a be-all, end-all guide to developing a nutrition plan to meet YOUR individual nutrition goals. Want to lose weight? We can help with that. Want to gain weight? We can help with that, too! Don’t care about weight, just want to optimize your nutrition to make sure you’re getting the absolute most you can out of every day? That’s right in our wheelhouse.
There’s more!
That’s just a small sample of what we’ve got in our members section. Supplements, workouts, legacy content from other fitness projects I’ve worked on, and more await you inside, including over a dozen workout programs, fitness tutorials, supplement guides, and more!
It’s time.
Intrigued? Good. We have all that and more waiting for you inside. One low monthly payment give you access to all of the above, with more content being for Academy members every month.

Additionally, we guarantee your satisfaction with all of our products and programs. You’re free to cancel any time, no questions asked, no awkward phone calls or emails, just a click of a button.
You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. It’s time to become the hero you were born to be.